FELLNER, William John
Economista ungherese, nato a Budapest il 31 maggio 1905, naturalizzato americano. Dopo aver insegnato dal 1943 nella California University, è dal 1952 professore alla Yale University.
Ricordiamo tra le sue opere principali: Prices and wages under bilateral monopoly (in Quarterly Journal of economics, 1939); A treatise on war inflation (Los Angeles 1942); Monetary policies and full employment (Berkeley 1946); Employment and business cycles (in Survey of contemporary economics, Filadelfia 1949); Competition among the few (New York 1949); The influence of market structure on technological progress (in Quarterly Journal of economics, 1951); Full use or underutilization of resources (in American economic review, 1954); Trends and cycles in economic activity. An introduction to problems of economic growth (New York 1956); Rapid growth as an objective of economic policy (in American economic review, 1960).