CARVER, Thomas Nixon
Economista americano, nato a Kirkville, Ia., il 25 marzo 1865, professore emerito dell'università di Harvard, dove ha insegnato dal 1902, presidente dell'American Economic Association (1916).
Opere principali: The Distribution of Wealth, 1904; Sociology and Social Progress, 1905; Principles of Rural Economics, 1911; Principles of Political Economics, 1919; Principles of Natural Economics, 1921; The Economy of Human Energy, 1924; The Present Economic Revolution in the U. S., 1925; Principles of Rural Sociology (in coll. con G. A. Lundquist), 1927, This Economic World (in coll. con Hugh Lester), 1927; The Essential Factors of Social Evolution, 1935; What must we do to Save our Economic System?, 1935; How can there be Full Employment after the War?, 1945.