Lyotard, Jean-François
Antonio Rainone
Filosofo francese, nato a Versailles il 10 agosto 1924, morto a Parigi il 21 aprile 1998. Dal 1968 chargé de recherche al Centre national de la recherche scientifique [...] . 1993).
R. Rorty, Habermas, Lyotard et la postmodernité, in Critique, 1984, 40, pp. 181-97.
G. Bennington, Lyotard. Writing the event, Manchester 1988.
B. Readings, Introducing Lyotard. Art and politics, London 1991.
Judging Lyotard, ed ...
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Raymond Boudon
Costantino Cipolla
Roberto Cipriani
Filippo Barbano
Filippo Barbano
(XXXI, p. 1019; App. III, II, p. 761; IV, III, p. 356)
Logica ed epistemologia della sociologia. - Le [...] theory since world war II, New York 1987; Post-structuralism and the question of history, a cura di D. Attridge, G. Bennington e R. Young, Cambridge 1987; P.T. Manicas, A history and philosophy of the social sciences, Londra 1987 (trad. it., Roma ...
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