NURKSE, Ragnar (App. II, 11, p. 428)
Economista estone, morto nel 1959; prof. nell'università Columbia di New York dal 1947, aveva assunto la cittadinanza americana nel 1949.
Tra le sue ultime opere si ricordano: The cyclical pattern of inventory investment (in Quarterly Journal of economics, 1952); Problems of capital formation in underdeveloped countries (New York 1953); Period analysis and inventory cycles (in Oxford economics papers, 1954); A new look at the dollar problem (in Economia internazionale, 1954); International investment today, mc. (in Economic Journal, 1954); The relation between home investment and external balance, ecc. (in Review of economic statistics, 1956); Patterns of trade and development (Stoccolma 1959).